An animated TV show, featuring young Joris and his adoptive Grampy, a one-time adventurer who now runs a second-hand treasure shop. Each episode usually features one of Grampy's strange artifacts and a story that goes with it. A real delight. The link below has both French w/ English subtitles and English dubs; they're a little wonky—the French are much better!
A feature film release that bombed at the box office but has a 7.5/10 rating at IMDb, this movie follows little Joris Jurgen as his tranquil life is shattered by revelations about his problematic parentage, and his mother's twisted scheme to restore their once happy family. (French, with English subtitles)
This TV series takes place 1,000 years after the events in the Dofus era (the mysterious "Master Joris" makes a cameo or two, somehow), and follows an unlikely band of adventurers, initially on a quest to help the boy Yugo uncover the mystery of his past, while trying to prevent the crazed Xelor Nox from destroying the world. Three seasons were made, and a fourth is in production, thanks to a Kickstarter campaign. You can even find this one on Netflix, if you have an account there.