Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Back in the computer lab today, for a slightly more successful run. After a few quick pointers, we spent the remainder of the time entering rough drafts into Google Docs. (Except for technical and network snafus.)

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

We’ve interrupted ourselves for a technology day, because…well, there was actually a free spot in the computer lab schedule. The goal: get set up on Google Docs, and punch in our “Babylon” rough drafts. Our best-laid schemes ganged agley, though, and 2nd Period only experienced a mess of technical and network snafus. We adapt and improve, though, and 6th Period … 

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Things are still a shambles: in 2nd Period, we took Vocabulary Quiz #4, and in the time remaining (not much) began a discussion of “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket,” mostly by noticing how Jack Finney monkeys with out perception of time in the story.  6th Period plugged along, collecting words for Vocabulary #4. Needless to say, we didn’t finish. But … 

Monday, Oct 18th, 2010

We’re split, a bit, but both classes have the same basic assignment: Read: “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” (Lit book, pp. 16–26) Do: “Dead Man’s Quest” activity (PDF download here.) For 2nd period, the “Dead Man’s Quest” is due tomorrow. 6th period will be finishing vocabulary, so theirs is do on Wednesday, schedule permitting. :skull: Quiz alert! 2nd Period’s …