Kevin Kelly has begun curating a list of the “best magazine articles ever” as suggested by him and his site’s audience. It’s a tad controversial, as most such lists are (many folks around the net point out the dearth of women writers, for instance), but will nevertheless serve as an exemplary list of long-form journalism. If you’ve got some time, …
More Hardcore
A little while ago, I plugged Dan Carlin’s excellent Hardcore History podcast. I thought I’d bring it up again because he just released a sort of “interim” episode (all too short!) in which he interviews James Burke, writer and host of a few of my all-time favorite documentary series: Connections and The Day the Universe Changed. In this interview, Burke …
Speaking of History…
We were? Well, speaking of education (see post below), I can’t believe I left this one out. I’ve been digging Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast for several months now. In fact, you may have heard me mention it in class once or twice. If you like history, or think you might like history, if it didn’t involve, you know, classes and …
Ivy League.
Hey. If you’re looking for something productive to do with that new Christmas iPod, why not load it up with class sessions taught by professors from major universities, huh? Or if you’re angling for a new Christmas iPod, why not tell your parents you can use it to listen to class sessions taught by professors from major universities! 😉 Yale University …