Got a BigHead?

Rather that actually wait until I had more stuff to put there (what fun would that be, anyway?), I’ve opened a new subsection under Extras, called Downloads, Etcetera. Eventually, if I can pull it off, it may feature desktop pictures, icons, and other English/Ferrellweb‑y gear. Right now, though, it’s got one sparsely-populated section: BigHead Bookmarks.

Last year, I whipped together a Julius Caesar bookmark, and handed them out before we read Julius Caesar. I thought it would solve a lot of “open your books to…” shuffling, and just let us “open to where we left off,” instead. They gave us a chance to practice our scissor skills, and it amused me to see a bunch of Caesar heads poking out of textbooks. (Of course, he later turned all sorts of colors, and became decorated with sunglasses, cigarettes, nose-rings, etc., but that’s the price of fame, I suppose…:ponder:)

Anyway, I figured I’d make him available to the general public, and put some more together, while I was at it. There are two available right now: Julius Caesar and good ol’ Edgar Allan Poe. Look for more to appear in Downloads, Etcetera in the coming months!