The EagleCast is Live

So it seems RCHS now has a podcast of sorts, hosted by Cam Lane, Andrew Slikker, and, well, me (for now). We thought we’d give it a shot, at least, and see what came of it. The program’s rather informal, and meant to be light. As it’s planned now, we’ll cover some school news and events for the upcoming week, and rattle on about school- or education-related issues or items of interest. We’ll probably feature the occasional “celebrity” interview, as well.

If you’re not sure what a podcast is, or would like to get a hold of ours, head over to the Forum, and look in the EagleCast section. There’s a brief explanation of what a podcast actually is, and links to download EagleCast #1. (You can also click the EagleCast link in the quick links box in the sidebar.)

While you’re there, you might as well register, so you can come back and discuss the stories, or give us feedback and suggestions for future shows. (Go easy on us, we’re rank amateurs… 😉 Oh, and registering and posting to the Forum may not work too well from school; I’m not sure why. I’ll see what I can do about it, though.)

Update: For more complete instructions and explanations, visit the new EagleCast page.