Smells Like Turtle Soup

I talked about King Croesus’s encounter with the Oracle at Delphi in class today, and I thought I’d post the bit from Herodotus’s History where he tells the story, with a little more detail than my own hazy recollection. So here it is, translated from the Greek by A. D. Godley. Keep in mind that the voice of Herodotus comes … 

Breaking News

URLesque has a swell collection of videos in which ham-handed news reporters callously or carelessly destroy things—often the very things they’re reporting about. (Note: In all fairness, the TechTV clip does not feature a professional reporter, but rather a man doing a demo on a live TV show. He seems pretty nervous, which no doubt leads to the inevitable mishap. … 

The Best Magazine Articles Ever

Kevin Kelly has begun curating a list of the “best magazine articles ever” as suggested by him and his site’s audience. It’s a tad controversial, as most such lists are (many folks around the net point out the dearth of women writers, for instance), but will nevertheless serve as an exemplary list of long-form journalism. If you’ve got some time, … 

Good Studenting 101

As you get ready to start another school year, you’re probably thinking about (in some way or another) what kinds of things your teachers are going to do to you, or make you do for them. Rightfully so! 😛 You hope you’ll have some good teachers, good classes, and a good year. Guess what? Your teachers are pretty much hoping for … 

Let’s Try This Again

So. How’s everybody been? After a two-year absence, I’m bringing the ol’ back up again. I’m using a snazzy new template, since my old design was a bit stale, and I don’t have the time to design a new look myself. (We’ll finally be dispensing with the old blue color scheme and “box‑f” logo, since the site that shall … 

Not Dead Yet.

Hi boys and girls! Just a quick note here, to explain that, for all intents and purposes, the is on official hiatus. Developing and other projects while desperately trying to keep up with grad school is sapping all of my spare energy. This site is badly in need of an overhaul, anyway, not just because the design is so …