It’s been a while, so here’s a quick plug for the long-awaited EagleCast No.6, now available in the usual places. I’ve finally got GarageBand 3 working correctly on my main computer, so editing is back to being a breeze. 😀 Be warned—this episode is a mostly-one-topic beast, clocking in at something close to an hour long. It features Leann C. and …
This Is Your Life. Online.
Recent stories in the news and around the web have prompted me to re-post an important reminder for all you Xangans, LiveJournalers, and MySpacers out there: The Internet is a public place. It’s amazing how many people lose sight of that simple fact, but it happens all the time. I guess some of it may be due to surroundings—you’re comfortable …
Hellooooo, teacher types! (And students, if this helps you out any…) I’ve had this on a back burner for a couple of years now, and just recently cleaned it up so it’s ready for public consumption. It’s my own take on the ever-popular PowerPoint Jeopardy! game, which I’ve tried to make as Jeopardyish as possible. Here’s the result, and hopefully …
Build a Book
You budding authors out there might want to keep an eye on Blurb. It’s still in beta testing, but once it opens to the public this spring, it looks to be a pretty cool self-publishing, print-on-demand service. You’ll download software to your computer that helps you design and assemble your book, then upload it for printing. You only pay when …
Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. And this one doesn’t count. But when one runs into a site that so elegantly combines monkeys and email, one must post it somewhere. It’s an unspoken Law of the Internet. So here it is, courtesy of Monk-e-mail. Pick your monkey, add a message, pick a voice, and fire …
The EagleCast is Live
So it seems RCHS now has a podcast of sorts, hosted by Cam Lane, Andrew Slikker, and, well, me (for now). We thought we’d give it a shot, at least, and see what came of it. The program’s rather informal, and meant to be light. As it’s planned now, we’ll cover some school news and events for the upcoming week, …
Deaf Jams
I remember being in elementary school and avidly poring over every edition of The Guinness Book of World Records with my friends. Nothing much changed from year to year—there was always that creepy guy with the long fingernails, the fat guys on the little motorbikes, that really tall guy… for some reason, I always ended up, sooner or later, running …
About Those Exams…
For those of you wondering what happens to that last exam day we missed in December, here’s the official word: Wednesday, we’ll try to get back on track, with a nominal review day (although things may be different in that latter half—4th, 5th, and 6th). Thursday, we’ll be giving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period exams. It will be a full …
Beauty is in the Eye of the Retoucher
A few weeks ago, some of you saw me slapping DrakeC.‘s head onto Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body, so some misguided seniors could use it as a poster to terrorize his wrestling opponents. 😛 It was pretty convincing for a 10-minute job and my far-less-than-professional Photoshop skills, even before it was blown up to extremely intimidating proportions, and some who saw it …
Slanted Smiles
So. University of California at Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner releases a study in which he finds that Americans and the British have different smiles. We smile differently. We stretch different muscles when we grin. Interesting, certainly, but watch what happens when the press reports on his findings: here’s an American report, in The New York Times, and a British …