This is an interesting idea — a new book by Allan Lazar, Dan Karlan, and Jeremy Salter takes a look at the top 101 most influential fictional characters in history. The book’s subtitle, “How characters of myth, legends, television, and movies have shaped our society, changed our behavior, and set the course of history,” is a compelling reminder of the …
The Last Days
Things have been a bit slow lately, so I wanted be sure to announce that the School, Sports, and Lunch calendars have been updated through the end of school. Huzzah. (You can find links, of course, in the Quick Links box in the sidebar.) Update! The School calendar has been updated to reflect the official changes for make-up days. Look …
Build a Book
You budding authors out there might want to keep an eye on Blurb. It’s still in beta testing, but once it opens to the public this spring, it looks to be a pretty cool self-publishing, print-on-demand service. You’ll download software to your computer that helps you design and assemble your book, then upload it for printing. You only pay when …
Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. And this one doesn’t count. But when one runs into a site that so elegantly combines monkeys and email, one must post it somewhere. It’s an unspoken Law of the Internet. So here it is, courtesy of Monk-e-mail. Pick your monkey, add a message, pick a voice, and fire …
Deaf Jams
I remember being in elementary school and avidly poring over every edition of The Guinness Book of World Records with my friends. Nothing much changed from year to year—there was always that creepy guy with the long fingernails, the fat guys on the little motorbikes, that really tall guy… for some reason, I always ended up, sooner or later, running …
Best. Christmaslights. Ever.
This one’s making the rounds on Teh Intarnets, and it’s so strangely compelling, I thought I’d post it here, in case you’ve missed it—house + lots of lights + Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Heh. You still out there, MarkW.? :wink:) + video camera = rockin’ Christmas‑y magic. 😛 You’ll probably have trouble viewing this at school, since the Filters O’ Doom don’t like …
War of the Worlds
Perhaps in anticipation of Spielberg’s coming adaptation (or perhaps not—who’s to say? It’s probably more of a tie-in to their own Scarlet Traces series…), the good folks at Dark Horse Comics have begun publishing an a serial eComic adaptation of H.G. Wells’s classic, The War of the Worlds. The first installment is online, and more pages will be added each …
Nail Loops
Nah, it’s not some annoying pub game—something a little more amazing: Trent Reznor has made NIN’s new single, The Hand That Feeds available as a download formatted for Apple’s GarageBand on NIN’s web site. How cool is that? (Well, not too cool, if you don’t have a Mac, or aren’t interested in messing around with music…but still, it’s a pretty …
Everybody’s abuzz about Google’s merging of its new (beta) Maps feature with its recently acquired Keyhole satellite mapping products. Folks on Flickr have been making “memory maps,” and I thought it might be fun to do my own. So here it is—my stomping grounds in Charlotte, from about 6th–10th grade. (Things opened out a little after that… :wink:) I put …
Cue Ominous Incidental Music…
Heh. Why does this promo video remind me of something you’d see characters watching at the beginning of a sci-fi/adventure flick leading up to robot servants running amok, some terrorist incident erupting, nature going on a rampage, or evil people swiping memories or even body parts? Well, more power to ’em, I suppose. (Reserve your country today?)