Why wait around for your mutation to manifest?
[singing] Bayo! Bay-ay-ay‑o!
(Grendel come and me wanna go home? Ok, ok, enough of that. Sorry. :P) Philosophy professor Stephen T. Asma writes an interesting analysis and review of the new Beowulf flick entitled “Never Mind Grendel. Can Beowulf Conquer the 21st-Century Guilt Trip?”, in which he discusses the subtle differences between the Beowulf of the poem, and the Beowulf of the modern …
Summertime III: The Reconnoitering
Film Studies prof. David Bordwell discusses the concept of the film sequel with a group of cronies on his blog: Facing a summer packed with sequels, a journalist gets fed up.… Sequels prove that Hollywood lacks imagination and is interested only in profits. Sequel films are boring and repetitious. They rarely match the original in quality. And when good directors …