Zoom, indeed. Uh.…wow. :ko:
How To Kill A Mockingbird
Uh, didn’t finish reading the book? Something like this is probably a bad idea… 😀 (“…and Zeus watches and laughs, ’cause he’s immortal.”)
Greetings, mortals! This is to announce that our very own MUSH, Beyond the Bookshelf, now has a Java interface. What’s that mean, you ask? It means that you can try the thing out right here in your Java-enabled web browser! No confusing software downloads to manage, no addresses to type in, just click a link and go. So what are you …
Watch Your Language!
Check out WordCount, a slick graphical representation of the frequency of word usage in English. From the web site: WordCount™ is an artistic experiment in the way we use language. It presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonality. Each word is scaled to reflect its frequency relative to the words that precede and follow it, …
Firefox has finally gone out of beta and is now version 1.0. If you’ve been using an older beta version, now’s a good time to chuck it and upgrade. If you’re still infesting your computer with spyware and goop using Internet Explorer, um, why?!? Go ahead and switch, for crying out loud! :tired:
A Titan-ic Event?
Astronomy and space-exploration buffs in the audience (are there any?) might want to keep an eye on NASA’s Cassini-Huygens web site tonight, as the probe makes its first close-in flyby of Saturn’s moon Titan. Titan is of special interest to scientists because of its thick atmosphere. No one has ever seen the surface before, but scientists speak of the possibility of …
Halloween Hijinks
Just for fun, here’s a list of creepy links and other miscellany from around the Web for your late-October enjoyment. I had more lying around, but no time to sort through them. 😥 Feel free to leave your own favorites in the comments! Some Games and Toys A Murder Of ScarecrowsEerie raven-swattin’ fun from My Pet Skeleton! Marshie’s Malloween Mix-UpDifficult to …
Who Needs Debates?
Oh, man. Forget the debates, I’m spending all evening playing Political Circus! (Well, not really…I’m spending all evening making vocabulary quizzes. :sad:) Take your candidate of choice, stuff him in a cannon, and fire him toward the stratosphere! Do exciting tricks and stunts to pump up the crowd, while you gather up campaign funding and pop opponents’ balloons! Watch out …
2005 TN Governor’s School
It’s time to work on applications for this school year’s Governor’s School! Here’s some information that might help you make decisions: It looks like each session in 2005 will be held from June 12–July 5. The schools convene at different college campuses across the state — Tennessee Heritage — ETSU Manufacturing and the School for the Sciences — UT Knoxville Prospective Teachers — …
School’s Out (Beta)
I’ve added a box on the left that keeps an eye on Channel 9’s web site, and will update if RCHS is closed (or going to be closed, as was the case last Thursday). It’s a beta right now, which means don’t trust it at all! It’s the first bit of PHP I’ve coded without using anything else as a …