…And We’re Back!

Not all the way back, of course, but back enough for now. Big and bold and sparkly clean on the inside as well as out. Underneath, I’m running WordPress instead of Movable Type for the log pages now. On top, the changes are obvious (I hope) — brought about by an all-new stylesheet that’s the sleekest and most compact I’ve written … 

O, Heavens!

A little etymology can be a dangerous thing… Leo Canales is on a crusade to discourage people from using the greeting “Hello,” because, well… (here’s where my voice lowers to a dramatic whisper) it has the word “hell” in it. I’ll pause while you pick your jaw up from the floor. Got it? Good. Didn’t know you were invoking the forces … 

Atlantis Found! (Er, Again?)

Hot off the presses from the BBC et al.: Satellite photos of southern Spain reveal features on the ground appearing to match descriptions made by Greek scholar Plato of the fabled utopia. Dr Rainer Kuehne thinks the “island” of Atlantis simply referred to a region of the southern Spanish coast destroyed by a flood between 800 BC and 500 BC. Unfortunately, it’s …

Class Night Video

I’ve got a copy of the Class Night video online—sort of. For right now, if you’re dying to see it, you can check out this page. There’s a problem, though. It’s HUGE. I’ve compressed as much as I can bear to and still look at it, and it’s clocking in at a hefty 43MB! You’ll also need the Quicktime plugin … 

Cryptic Crosswords

Here’s the scoop on the cryptic crosswords we took a brief look at Friday, if you’re interested in knowing more. The tiny ones we looked at in class were from the book pictured here. It seems like a good one to start with: Games Magazine’s World Cryptic Crosswords, by Mike Shenk Paperback: 80 pages Published by Random House Puzzles & Games (1992) ISBN# … 

Poets in Peril!

A study by James Kaufman of California State University, San Bernardino seems to indicate that poets tend to die younger than other writers! Fortunately, sound logic prevails in the end: The fact that a Sylvia Plath … may die young does not necessarily mean an Introduction to Poetry class should carry a warning that poems may be hazardous to one’s health. … 

23/5 Exquisite Corpses

Journallers and bloggers have been playing around with this 23/5 meme for a little while, and I ran across this Exquisite Corpse variation the other day at language hat that looked interesting: Take the nearest six to ten books from your shelf.Open them to page 23, and find the fifth sentence.Write down those sentences and arrange them to form a … 

Feel Like Somebody’s Watching You?

Some not-so-startling news reported by The Register today: PCs scanned using a free scanning service from US ISP giant EarthLink harboured an average of 28 items of spyware, according to figures published yesterday. Not only does spyware invade your privacy on various levels, but it can also be a primary reason for the “my computer’s just not working right anymore” … 

Is That 500 Books In Your Pocket, Or…

I’d been watching this one since late last month, so it’s a little old, but I thought I’d post it anyway, if you hadn’t seen. Here’s the news from The Register: The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — the real one, not that Douglas Adams novel thingy — just came a step closer. Sony has launched its first electronic book … 

Q‑ing Up

For those interested, a brief history of the letter Q. Specifically, why “q+u” all the time?