Wow. I should have done my homework. (Frankly, it never even occurred to me to search for such a thing. I should have known better. ;-)) Remember our Very Old Man? You know, the one with the Enormous Wings? Behold, his nemesis! (If he cared, that is.) And if you’d like to make a few bucks, you can have someone set one …
Got brains?
Alvaro Fernandez, CEO of posted 10 Habits of Highly Effective Brains at The Huffington Post. How does yours stack up?
Overcome meekness.
The meek shall certainly inherit the earth, but there are times that, no matter how bashful or unassuming one might be, one’s voice must be heard, for the good of all. Never fear: the Bureau of Communication is on the job, supplying a variety of delightfully old-school forms to “Let That Which Is Unsaid Be Said.” Choose from Observance of a …
Speaking of History…
We were? Well, speaking of education (see post below), I can’t believe I left this one out. I’ve been digging Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast for several months now. In fact, you may have heard me mention it in class once or twice. If you like history, or think you might like history, if it didn’t involve, you know, classes and …
Ivy League.
Hey. If you’re looking for something productive to do with that new Christmas iPod, why not load it up with class sessions taught by professors from major universities, huh? Or if you’re angling for a new Christmas iPod, why not tell your parents you can use it to listen to class sessions taught by professors from major universities! 😉 Yale University …
Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist blog features a post from guest contributor Jon Morrow called “Why I regret getting straight A’s in college.” It might be an enlightening read for the more numbernumbernumber conscious among you. Don’t get me wrong—good grades, to the degree that they reflect your academic progress, are important. Probably more so in high school than in college, though. …
[singing] Bayo! Bay-ay-ay‑o!
(Grendel come and me wanna go home? Ok, ok, enough of that. Sorry. :P) Philosophy professor Stephen T. Asma writes an interesting analysis and review of the new Beowulf flick entitled “Never Mind Grendel. Can Beowulf Conquer the 21st-Century Guilt Trip?”, in which he discusses the subtle differences between the Beowulf of the poem, and the Beowulf of the modern …
Hey, look—a Christmas tree. Of books. And elsewhere on the Internets, people have been having a swell time arranging books by color. (Warning: Flickr link. School won’t let you see it.)
Analyze This.
The New York Times ran a cartoon by Ward Sutton last week called “Reading Tea Leaves and Campaign Logos.” If you’ve never seen the prognostication possible from a simple campaign logo, give it a look. And the next time I tell you that writing a paper in Comic Sans can reflect badly on you or dilute your message, perhaps you …
If you’re into this kind of thing, you’ve probably run across these already, so forgive me for being behind the curve. 😀 For the rest of us, check this out: UK-based SelfMadeHero publishers is printing a series of Shakespeare plays in manga form. And why not, eh? They look pretty cool…as with many modern productions of Shakespeare, they seem to …